Sunday, September 27, 2015

Friday September 25th, 2015

A) Mobility
B) Pause Squats - warm up 45kg/45kg/55kg  Working sets: 60kg 6x3
C) Bench - bar x 10; 35kgx5, 35kgx5; 42.5 x 5; 48.5kg x 6 x4
D) Spoto Press - 42.5kg x 6x2
E) Tricep pushdown - rope and pulley - 3x20 @ 35lb+ tension

Pauses were good.  Felt good in the bottom and squatting in the cage kept my confidence level up.
Bench was easy.  Left shoulder a bit stingy, but stands to reason since squatting has started again.

Weight 75.6

F -56g
C - 134g
P - 74g

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