Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Monday September 28th, 2015


A) Treadmill - 5 min
B) Mobility - 5 min
C) Bench - bar x 10; bar x 5; 35kg x 8; 42.5kg x 5; 47.5kg x 3; 52.5 x 5, 52.5x5, 52.5x5
D) Bench - 2 board - 62.5 x2, 62.5 x 2, 62.5 x 2, 62.5 x 2
E) Bench - 3 board - 67.5 x 2, 70 x 2
F) - DB rows - 42.5 x 3 x10
G) Treadmill - 5 min

Bench felt really good.  Went wide grip for the 1st set of 52.5 and felt a little bit of shoulder issues, so moved in a finger for the 2nd set and back to wide for the last as I was videoing and wanted to see how I did "under pressure".  2 board was easy.  I should have upped the weight for the last 2 sets at least, but will know better next week if they are programmed again.  3 board - went for 70 to see how it felt in my hands.  Very cool.  Yep, it was heavier but that's good for the CNS.  That's the goal lift for nationals! 

Weight - 75.4

F 73
C 275
P 135

Out for dinner with friends...ate half a pizza... life is good!

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